Wednesday 20 November 2013

Premiere! First ever book trailer on the blog!

Have I grabbed your attention enough? Good, right, anyway, today I'm lucky enough to have the book trailer for An Unlikely Goddess by Mohana Rajakumar, she of the Love Comes Later fame.

Hopefully I haven't screwed it up, so if you click the link, it should take you to the trailer. Baby brain has induced (pardon the pun!) technophobia in me!

An Unlikely Goddess Book Trailer

Here's the blurb:-
Sita is the firstborn, but since she is a female child, her birth makes life difficult for her mother who is expected to produce a son. From the start, Sita finds herself in a culture hostile to her, but her irrepressible personality won’t be subdued. Born in India, she immigrates as a toddler to the U.S. with her parents after the birth of her much anticipated younger brother.

Sita shifts between the vastly different worlds of her WASP dominated school and her father’s insular traditional home. Her journey takes us beneath tales of successful middle class Indians who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1980s.

The gap between positive stereotypes of South Asian immigrants and the reality of Sita's family, who are struggling to stay above the poverty line is a relatively new theme for Indian literature in English.

Sita's struggles to be American and yet herself, take us deeper into understanding the dilemmas of first generation children, and how religion and culture define women.

You can catch up with Mohana on her website at
and on Twitter @moha_doha

and you can buy the book via -
or Amazon UK -

See you on Friday for my book review of Nine Lives, a collection, of, well, 9 short stories, by Terry Tyler. And, there's a bit of a surprise involved - seriously, you want to make sure you tune in on Friday!

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