Sunday 11 November 2012

Winners of The Dating Game launch party raffle & Amazon vouchers

Hi everyone
Sorry for the late post. Life has been catching up with me in the aftermath of the launch week. If you click the link below and scroll to the bottom of the list of books,  you will see the winners' names for the ebook raffle. All winners have now been notified.

The winner of the £10 Amazon voucher is Jackie M - congrats Jackie

Thanks to everyone who participated in The Dating Game launch. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

I will be back tomorrow with a review of a fabulous chick lit book I read a few months ago, so don't miss it!  Tune in to find out which book!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday


  1. Thank you to you and all the lovely authors who took part!

  2. This was a great launch, and I'm thrilled to have been mingling among all the posts and participating where I could!
    Lots of luck (and readers)to you with The Dating Game :)))

  3. Thank you so much. Congrats to the other winners.
    Sue B

  4. Thank you so much and congratulations to all the other winners!! :)
