Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Next Big Thing

Fellow author, and invaluable proofreading source to me, Maria Savva, thought she would add to my already ridiculous September workload(!) by tasking me with The Next Big Thing challenge.  Fortunately for her (and me) I love these challenges. I hope you enjoy reading it, too, particularly since my WIP will be out in around six weeks!  Thanks Maria (I think!)
The rules of the challenge are:

1. Answer 10 questions about my current WIP (Work-In-Progress)
2. Tag five other writers and link their blogs so we can all hop over and read their answers.

So here goes! 

What is the working title of your book?

The working title has become the official title, as I have just had the cover created for the book’s imminent release in October.  I just need to finish editing it!  The Dating Game.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea came from a friend who joined a dating agency for professional people (supposedly to keep out the riff-raff!) a few years ago.

What genre does your book fall under?

Contemporary fiction. It started out as chick lit, but as with all my writing, it’s not really fluffy enough to be 100% chick lit!

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Hmm, tough one, hadn’t really thought of this. I haven’t cast my leading lady yet, but two of the dates look like Liam Neeson and the errant boyfriend from Sliding Doors.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Fed up of being pushed into yet another blind date by her friends, Gill decides to join Happy Ever After dating agency.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I will be self-publishing mid-October

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Five months, unlike the 6 years it took me to write Sign of the Times! But I am writing full-time now – therein lies the difference. Plus I learned so much from last time around.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I haven’t read any other books about this particular subject within my genre.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?

Honestly? The massive support and wonderful feedback I had from readers, after I launched Sign of the Times, gave me the drive to push ahead and write this, my second novel.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

You mean apart from the fact that there a hell of a lot of sexy guys in it?! As with all my books, there will always be a travel element. I used to live in Barcelona, so there is a section of The Dating Game, which deals in detail with Barcelona. Plus, there’s a lot of good old Scottish humour in it and some very fun, secondary characters! 

I’m nominating Susan Louineau, Stuart Haddon, Talli Roland, Joanne Phillips and Tracie Banister to take up The Next Big Thing challenge.

I can’t yet link all of their blogs, as they don’t all have blogs, but as and when they tell me they have posted on FB/Goodreads/blog, I will update this post with the links. 
But you can already read Maria Savva's answers here - http://www.goodreads.com/author_blog_posts/2942631-the-next-big-thing


  1. Thanks, Sooz! I love your answers :) I'm looking forward to reading The Dating Game, sounds like my cup of tea!

    1. hi Maria - I thought i had answered these comments, but maybe not! Anyway, glad you liked the answers and yes, I think you will enjoy The Dating Game. Just editing now...as you know...interminable!

  2. Good answers. Yes, Liam Neeson would be great. This isn't the kind of book I go for, but with reading and reviewing so many 'other kinds' lately, who knows?

    Julie Elizabeth Powell

    1. Glad you liked them, Julie. Yes, I know what you mean, I have been reading a whole host of things that I wouldn't normally, both just for the sheer hell of it and for the review part of my blog. Liam is kinda sexy for an older guy. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Sooz

  3. Thanks for tagging me, Sooz :) Looking forward to posting my answers very soon! And I'm really looking forward to The Dating Game coming out too, very exciting x Jo

    1. hi Jo. You're welcome, Jo. Sorry for delay in replying to comment. Am so busy editing, my brain is mush! Yes, I think you will like The Dating Game. Am looking forward to your answers - no pressure! Sooz x
