Sunday, 12 August 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

How can it be Sunday already again? Where has the week gone? And now that bloomin' sun is back out to distract me and make me want to go read in the garden and skive off! But, before I go, here's this week's extract for Six Sentence Sunday. Decided to stick with The Dating Game. I only wrote this section last weekend. Basically, Gill's latest date has a surprise in store for her.

Once the taxi had deposited them outside the hotel, Gary led the way, nodding once at the member of staff they met on the way up the steps. Gill was busy relishing how luxurious the hotel’s interior was, when Gary turned a corner and they entered the Glenlivet room.
Immediately Gill’s expression turned from one of anticipation to one of consternation. It was a

wedding reception. Oh my God! She didn’t know anyone, she hadn’t been invited. 

Right, well, you're probably going to have to wait until October to read The Dating Game, especially if I keep skiving off to read!
To see the other Six Sentence Sunday entrants, visit  but remember the link doesn't go live until 2pm UK time, 9am EST.

In the meantime, if you can't wait until October, why not sink your teeth into my first novel, Sign of the Times - which has received lots of lovely new reviews this week! (UK) & (US & .com)


  1. You're going to make us wait until October? Eeek! Nice six. :)


    1. Sorry! But I haven't finished it yet and then comes the edit and the final cut! Thanks for your kind comment, Sooz

  2. Looking forward to it!

  3. Oooohh...sounds like an interesting spot to be in! Great six.

  4. thanks Sonia, will have a look, Sooz

  5. Yes...quite. I'm not sure that's how Gill felt! She was mortified! Thanks!

  6. Okay...this is much too close to that being naked in public nightmare for comfort. *wink* Most interesting six with lots to look forward to!

  7. hi Silver, thanks for your comment - actually, that would have been worse, but then she did already rip the ass out of her trousers on a previous date!! (see SSS from a few weeks ago!)
