Sunday, 26 August 2012

Six Sentence Sunday - 26/8/12

Breaking News - Yesterday I finished The Dating Game! Yippee!! Once I have finished editing, you can read the lot, but for now, you'll have to settle for these 6 sentences and any other titbits I may bestow upon you before then!
Yep, it's Six Sentence Sunday time.

Brakes screeching, gears crunching, Gill swerved and almost didn’t hit it – but she clipped its rear.  Shaking and furious at herself for not noticing the lights had changed to red, she climbed out of her car. The driver of the Astra she had pranged, unfolded his legs and got out. At least he's OK, Gill thought.
‘Are you…,’ Gill began, then stopped. 'You!’
Please remember that the other entries for Six Sentence Sunday can be found here after 2pm GMT (9am PST)
As always, if you can't wait until early October for The Dating Game, why not get your teeth into my first novel, Sign of the Times - (US & other .com)


  1. Well I have had half of that experience personally... (and not the good half). Nicely written

    1. Sorry I have taken so long to reply, busy busy week of editing! Yes, me too, many year ago my Mini was sandwiched between a lorry and a bus and my driver's caved in. On reflection, I was super lucky!

  2. Nice! Definitely makes me want to read on to see who he is...

    1. oh, he's yummy! However, take a peek at this week's. Is it him again or not?
