Monday, 18 November 2013

Cover Reveal - The Christmas Spirit

Happy Monday!
Now, you may have noticed I've been very excited about this cover over the past few weeks and I think with good reason. It's very difficult to convey to someone who hasn't read the book (as you haven't finished writing it yet!) what the book is about, so for Brad Covey, designer extraordinaire - to come up with such a cracking cover is a veritable feat.

My only stipulation was I wanted something which was in keeping with the covers of the previous two books, and this will continue to be the case. I wanted a tree, presents and maybe red, white and green. The rest I told Brad was a blank canvas. I didn't even indicate a colour for the cover.

Anyway, ta da, here's what he came up with and I LOVE it!
I hope you do, too. In less than 2 weeks it will be hitting the virtual shelves. I can't wait!

Isn't it amazing? I can say that, 'cos I didn't make it!

But it is!

Compare it just for interest's sake with the first two - I love the theme he has built.

Well, that's it for now. I better go and write the blurb for The Christmas Spirit for next week's post!
Tune in tomorrow for a book review of a Christmas novella - just to get you in the mood. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?!

Have a good week